atomic_lib 0.12.0

Library for creating, storing, querying, validating and converting Atomic Data.

atomic-lib Released API docs [![Discord chat][discord-badge]][discord-url] MIT licensed

Status: pre-alpha

Rust library for using Atomic Data.


The atomic CLI and atomic-server applications both use this atomic-lib library.

  • In-memory store for getting / setting data (Store)
  • On disk ACID compliant store / database (Db, uses Sled)
  • Path traversal
  • Parse and serialize AD3
  • JSON + JSON-LD Serialization
  • Convert to Rust native types
  • Resolve / parse mappings (bookmarks)
  • Validate Atomic Graphs
  • Mutations (linked-delta's)
  • RDF (turtle / N-Triples) Serialization
  • Strategy for extending datatypes (Currently uses an enum)
  • TPF queries
  • Performant TPF queries from Db (create index)
  • Async resource fetching (faster)
  • Store - server write interaction (update resource, send deltas to server)


# Add it to your project
cargo add atomic_lib
use atomic_lib;

fn main() {
  // Let's parse this AD3 string
  let string = String::from("[\"_:test\",\"\",\"Test\"]");
  // Start with initializing our store
  let mut store = atomic_lib::store::Store::init();
  // Run parse...
  // Get our resource...
  let my_resource = store.get(&"_:test".into()).unwrap();
  // Get our value by filtering on our property...
  let my_value = my_resource.get("").unwrap();
  println!("My value: {}", my_value);
  assert!(my_value == "Test")


Some features of this library are optional, to minimize bundle size and compile times.


The db features adds persistence, which means that you can store stuff on a HDD / SSD. It uses [Sled], a performant, embedded key-value store.


If you need RDF serialization options, use this feature.